Thursday, December 26, 2013


This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending Miami’s infamous Art Walk during my Spring Break. For those of you who aren’t familiar with what this is, it is an event that happens every second Saturday of the month in Miami’s renown Art District. This event consists of a series of galleries who open their doors to the public for a night of artistic encounters. Miami’s Art Guide Mag says it best when they describe it as one of the “most vibrant and creative atmosphere’s you could ever be a part of”.  From the brilliant showcases in the galleries, to the cultured food trucks and live music, it makes for an energy and people who are one of a kind! My personal favorites are the murals painted outside the galleries, not only are they impressive in size but I am struck by the raw grittiness that the artist is able to portray. When you’re walking around Art Walk you can’t help but to feel inspired by everything around you and to let that inspiration feed into every facet of your life. I was able to capture only a little of what I saw that day, but if you are ever in Miami, Florida the second Saturday of the month make sure you check out Art Walk for yourself and be inspired by how art speaks to you.

Thanks for reading lovelies!
xo, SC  

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